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Strategies for Acing Your Interview

Ready to ace your next interview? In this session, we’ll take a closer look at how interviews play an integral role in telling your story as a candidate and provide an opportunity to let your true self be seen by a prospective employer.
By Alumni Career Team

The savvy job seeker knows that the secret to nailing the interview and not being afraid of preparation and practice. Not only is the pay off immense but when done well the interview should set you up for ongoing success once within a role. In this webinar expert career coach Adam Schmidt breaks your preparation into three key stages.


Understanding yourself, that is your interests, skills, and motivators, not only helps you answer the “what is your greatest strength or weakness?” question but provides a much deeper, intangible condence to the interview that is not to be overlooked. Then taking the time to understand the organization and the specic opportunity is key. Whether it’s public nancial reports, the company website, or library tools such as Vault, gleaning organizational insight provides the interviewee with a helpful understanding of the key challenges and trends an employer faces that provide insight into the demands of a role and the specic ways your work might help.


Adam shares key advice for during the interview including tips on what not to do. Namely, don’t tell the employer what his/her problems are. Don’t over or underdress. And nally, don’t speak too quickly. Slowing down, especially when your brain is nervous and in overdrive can be tough, but indicates thoughtfulness and deliberation to questions. All signals of competence and condence. Finally, don’t forget to come prepared with questions. These might be big picture challenges the organization faces, how you might be successful in the role in 6 and 12 months, or ‘nested’ questions that reveal your industry insight.


Following up with individual thank you notes to each of the interviewers in a panel is best practice. In addition, doing so via email (versus snail mail) ensures the notes get to decision-makers in a timely manner. Finally, make sure to reference one key exchange in the conversation to set your candidacy apart.

Adam Schmidt is an International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and the founder of Smart Summit Coaching, where he focuses on one-on-one Professional Coaching engagements designed to facilitate personal development through a series of thought-provoking, creative, and purposeful conversations. In addition to his certification in 360 and strengths-based assessments, his coaching style is shaped by powerful questioning, authentic listening, accountability, and being fully present for his clients. Adam’s principal coaching focus is in Leadership and Career Coaching.

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