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Member Spotlight: Ms. Jasmine LeFlore

Ms. Jasmine LeFlore

Ms. Jasmine LeFlore
Ms. Jasmine LeFlore

Rocket scientist, entrepreneur and avid Michigan fan, Jasmine LeFlore, graduated in 2015  with a BSE in Aerospace Engineering.  If this were a movie trailer, the scene would open with a little girl looking up at the sky in Flint, MI from her backyard under the flight path, wondering how such large airplanes could stay in the sky and then cut to the Collins Aerospace building in San Diego.

Jasmine’s intellectual curiosity led her to UM at the young age of 14 when she entered a robotics program geared towards youths.

Defend The M
Defend The M

She returned for undergrad where she frequented Good Time Charley’s, the Brown Jug and was a fierce supporter of Defend the M!

Charting a path from the halls of the Duderstadt to Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon company, Jasmine is a senior special projects engineer working for the VP of Engineering and participating in business development.  Successfully fulfilling her demanding role at Collins is only a fraction of what this dynamic woman accomplishes in a day.

Rocket Scientist
Rocket Scientist

Winner of the 2020 Women of Color STEM Community Service in Industry Award, Jasmine co-founded the non-profit Greater than Tech (GTT).  GTT offers workshops, development programs, competitions, training and STEM camps.  The STEM camps focus on robotics and computer science for ages 11 – 13.

Jasmine is passionate about making the intersection of business and engineering concepts accessible to bright young minds.  Through GTT, Jasmine’s objective is to teach the application of engineering to real world businesses and to empower girls of color to be our world’s next business leaders.  Jasmine and her cohort of educators and volunteers are working to create business opportunities through internships and apprenticeships.  Jasmine’s vision is for GTT program participants to be designers, coders and technicians hands-on within the businesses they are learning how to run, such as a restaurant with a wait staff of drones.

Visit the GTT website, to learn more about the program offering.  You can get involved through gifts of financial support and through volunteering your time working with the participants to teach them about your technical and/or business expertise.

STEM Competition
STEM Competition

As Jasmine promotes education for youths in the community, she continues her own education as well.  Jasmine is on track to graduate from Indiana University in February, 2021 with a Masters of Business Administration degree and a Masters of Science in Engineering degree from Purdue in Interdisciplinary Engineering.  Thinking back to her time on North Campus, Jasmine laughed, saying she knew if she could survive her ME240 Introduction to Dynamics and Vibrations course, she could do anything!

Working between her deadlines, Jasmine still finds time to enjoy the vacation spot we all live in by visiting the beach, reading outside and escaping to Big Bear.

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