If you have University of Michigan Football Tickets to sell or exchange, you can list on this page and our local Alumni can contact you if interested.
If you are looking to go to a game and need tickets, you can also post on this page and let our local Alumni know what games you are looking for.
Contact Ben Sottile at bsottile@umich.edu to get an item on this page.
I/We Have Tickets to Sell/Exchange
Erika Folbe – 1 Ticket for the Washington Huskies vs. Michigan Wolverines Sailgate. Cost is $175.00. Experience the ultimate tailgate, on a boat around Seattle before the Michigan at Washington game on 10/5/24. Contact Erika Folbe at efolbe12@gmail.com if interested.
Karen Craig – 2 Tickets for Arkansas State game on 9/14/24 and 2 Tickets for Northwestern Game on 11/23/24. Contact Karen Craig at karencraig17@gmail.com if interested.
Atwood Lynn – 4 Tickets available (Section 18, Row 63) for all games, except Michigan State and Minnesota. Prices vary by game (higher prices for Texas and Oregon, for example, versus Arkansas State and Fresno State). Prices are set at the lower end of StubHub pricing for each game in the same section for comparable rows 40-80. Contact Atwood Lynn at aclynn9@cox.net if interested.
I/We Need Tickets