U-M Club of Orange County: Michigan Professionals

Michigan Professionals was conceived as a way to bring together Michigan alums in the professional world to facilitate business networking in a no-frills, no-fluff environment.  This is not a social event for aimless schmoozing or trying to plan a lunch that might or might not happen.  It’s a goal-directed business event aimed specifically at increasing your professional business network and your bottom line through cross-referrals.  If you happen to make some social contacts or friends as a result of the meeting, all the better, but the goal here is to cross-refer business to other Michigan alums who you get to know and trust, and in so doing, keep things “in the family”.

Meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month starting in October 2022.  Stay tuned for details of the first regular meeting or contact Anthony Gomez at gomeztanthony@gmail.com for details.  Our next meeting is Thursday September 22, 2022, a Happy Hour 2022 Kick Off Event with location TBD.

Please contact:  Anthony Gomez: gomeztanthony@gmail.com or Ben Sottile: bsottile@umich.edu.

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