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U-M Club of Greater Chicago: Wolverine Resources Group

Outside of the Detroit / Ann Arbor area, Chicago is home to the largest concentration of Michigan Wolverines in the world. Tens of thousands of alums reside in the Chicagoland area and are untapped resources to other Wolverines in the area. The UMCGC Career & Networking Committee will soon be launching Wolverine Business Resource Groups (WBRG).

WBRG’s are meant to connect Wolverines to other Wolverines in their functional areas of expertise. Meet-ups could take place before work, during lunch, after work or even on the weekend (for those travel warrior consultants). It will be up to each group to decide the frequency, duration and type of meet-up that works best for the schedule of their particular function. Some meet-ups could take place at an office; others could take place in a social environment (i.e. happy hour); they could also rotate based on the season.

We will be also be soliciting WBRG Captains — those looking to give back to the alumni community and coordinate these bi-annual, quarterly or even monthly meet-ups. It’s estimated this time commitment (mostly electronic communication) will take 1-2 hours each month — plus any meet-ups the group host. Meet-ups can also be delegated / hosted by others in the group (at their office) which further reduces the amount of work.

Look for more details later this month to begin signing up for WBRGs and learn more. Have a unique function or suggestion that is usually left out of normal networking events? Please e-mail it to so we can make sure your function is represented in our programming.

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