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U-M Club of Greater Chicago: Scholarships

2024-25 Scholarship Program

Each April, the UMCGC awards several scholarships to financially eligible students from the Chicago area, either those currently attending the University for undergraduate studies or those who will be enrolling at the University in the fall. Since 2009, the UMCGC has awarded 50+ students with over $350,000 in scholarship funds!


UMCGC scholarships are non-renewable (i.e., they are only for the upcoming academic year). All four-year undergraduate students (including those who may have received one or more scholarships in previous years) who are academically and financially eligible may apply for a scholarship. The number of scholarships we award each year varies depending upon the amount of money currently available for distribution and the need that currently exists.

Scholarship recipients are chosen by our UMCGC Scholarship Committee. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

FAFSA has changed certain deadlines. As such, we will be splitting our scholarship award process into two segments, one for incoming freshman and one for returning students.
Incoming freshman: Your application period has passed, and applications are closed. Winners will be notified at the contact information provided in their applications.
Returning students: Your Scholarship Application is now available through Google Forms here. You must submit your application using this form. Email submissions will not be accepted. If you have questions about or problems with the application form, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. Please note that this inbox is not monitored daily, and our response may be delayed.  COMPLETED APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY MIDNIGHT (EASTERN TIME) NOVEMBER 17.
All students: You do not need to provide the UMCGC with a copy of your FAFSA or CSS Profile. Any questions regarding FAFSA or the CSS Profile should be directed to the University’s Office of Financial Aid.

For scholarship winners, funds will be transferred directly to the recipient’s University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid student account.


Please Support!

To continue administering UMCGC’s scholarship program, we need your help! Support, of course, can take many forms, including:

  • Donating to the UMCGC scholarship fund online via the Alumni Association’s secure servers.
  • Volunteering to host or assist with a UMCGC fundraising event. No assistance is too small.
  • Suggesting a fundraising event or idea for UMCGC’s scholarship fund.
  • Donate items such as football tickets, U-M apparel, or any other U-M related items for a silent auction by emailing [email protected].
  • Purchasing our Official UMCGC apparel. Stay tuned to our Club page here for details on upcoming sales.

We sincerely appreciate all of your support!

If you have any questions about UMCGC’s scholarship program or application process, please email [email protected].

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