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U-M Club of Charlotte: Club Articles and Bylaws

University of Michigan Alumni Club of Charlotte

Updated as of January 18, 2024

Article One – NAME

The name of this organization is the University of Michigan Alumni Club of Charlotte, hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.  The Club may also be referred to as U-M Club of Charlotte.

Article Two – PURPOSE

The Club is an affiliate of, and chartered by, the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (AAUM), an educational, non-profit membership organization of graduates and friends of the University of Michigan (University or U-M).  It is expressly recognized that the chartering and continued recognition of this Club by AAUM, and its affiliation with AAUM, shall be in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be promulgated from time to time by AAUM.

The AAUM enriches the University of Michigan’s impact by serving as an independent gateway for alums of all identities, backgrounds, and experiences – across the globe and in our neighborhoods – in order to create and deepen belonging to the Michigan Family, the Leaders and Best.  The Club works with AAUM as part of its Charlotte presence to bring alumni together in support of each other, and to promote the objectives of the University through the establishment and maintenance of contact among the University, its graduates, and present and prospective students.  In planning, promoting, and hosting alumni events and other initiatives, the Club emphasizes and encourages AAUM membership. Additionally, the Club encourages and supports the matriculation of local students at U-M through funding and administering student scholarships.

Article Three – MEMBERSHIP

All current members of AAUM in the Club’s geographic area (as determined by AAUM) are automatically members of the Club. The Club does not charge membership dues above and beyond those of AAUM.  All U-M alumni, U-M students and their parents, and other supporters of Michigan (whether or not AAUM members) are welcome and encouraged to participate in most club activity, though only dues-paying members of AAUM are entitled to vote on club business.


A majority vote by the Board is required to amend the Articles of Association or these Bylaws.


Updated as of January 18, 2024


The University of Michigan Alumni Club of Charlotte (hereinafter “the Club”) shall be governed by a Board of Officers and Directors (hereinafter the “Board”) who are elected by the general membership at the Annual Meeting.

All Officers and Directors are required to be AAUM members for the duration of their term on the Club’s Board.  Directors shall not receive compensation for their services other than reasonable expenses incurred in the course of their Board duties.

Four of the Club’s Directors shall serve as officers of the Board in the following roles: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers’ responsibilities include setting overall strategy for the Club and leading efforts to revise these Bylaws, as needed. General responsibilities for each officer position are set forth in Addendum A.

The general responsibilities of all Directors are listed in Addendum B.


Candidates for Officers and Directors shall be nominated by existing Board members or Club members prior to the Annual Meeting and presented to the Board for consideration.  The Board shall nominate a slate of Officers and Directors by a majority vote of the Board members present at a Board meeting occurring prior to the Annual Meeting, and such nominations may be affirmed by a simple majority vote of Club members present at the Annual Meeting.

The Club shall notify AAUM of the results of the election of directors and officers within thirty days of such election.


The Club Officers and Directors are elected for a one-year term and may be re-elected for additional terms serving until their successors have been elected and qualified.

If an Officer or Director should resign before his or her term ends or be unable to complete his or her term of office, the President may replace that Officer or Director for the remainder of the unexpired term until the next Annual Meeting (subject to confirmation by a majority of the Board), at which time a full-term replacement will be selected by utilizing the nomination and selection process outlined in Section Two above.  The President may also add appoint temporary Directors between Annual Meetings (subject to confirmation by a majority of the Board), at which time such individuals may be nominated and elected as outlined in Section Two.

If the Presidency becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the role of President (unless a majority of the Board votes otherwise) until the next Annual Meeting’s election.


A quorum for the Board shall consist of a minimum of one-half of the seated Board members, with at least two (2) Officers in attendance.  Action by the Board must be supported by a majority of those in attendance.  Voting by telephone or via Internet (email, SMS, video chat, otherwise) is permitted.

Section Five – COMMITTEES

Committees shall be formed by the President and confirmed by the Board, either standing or for a particular purpose and period, with purpose and role determined by the President from time to time.  The Club’s present standing committees as of this version of the Bylaws, including the general responsibilities of each, are listed in Addendum C.  Committees shall each submit reports in advance of each Board Meeting, or more frequently as requested by the President.

Section Six – MEETINGS

The Annual Meeting of the Board shall be held at a specified date, time, and location each year as the Board or President may designate, with proper notice being sent to all members, with a target of taking place during the fourth quarter of each calendar year.   Any member may attend.

In addition to the Annual Meeting, the Board shall hold regular meetings at least quarterly at a time and place designated by the President.  Additional meetings of the full Board or Officers may be called when deemed necessary by the President or any three members of the Board.  Notice of such meeting may be provided by e-mail, provided such notice is given at least seven days prior to said meeting.

Section Seven – FISCAL YEAR

The fiscal year of the Club shall be consistent with the fiscal year of AAUM, which is presently July 1 to June 30.

Section Eight – RULES OF ORDER

Roberts Rules of Order, or any other set of Rules of Order duly adopted by a majority of the Board, shall govern parliamentary procedure in Club meetings.

Section Nine – BYLAWS

The Bylaws shall be adopted for the governance of the Club by a majority vote of a duly constituted meeting of the Board.  A majority vote of a duly constituted meeting of the Board is also required to amend the Bylaws.


Updated as
of January 18, 2024

Club Officers shall be responsible for the following generally, in addition to their specific roles:

  • Set overall strategy for the Club
  • Lead efforts to revise Articles of Association, Bylaws, and Addendums as needed
  • Serving as a resource for the other Board members and participating in activities as needed
  • Together, comprise the Club’s Executive Committee and coordinate its activities and direction between Board Meetings


The President’s responsibilities include:

  • Supervising and coordinating Club activities and its Strategic Plan
  • Calling and presiding over regular and special meetings of the Board
  • Ensuring the holding of the Annual Meeting as called for by the Club’s Bylaws
  • Ensuring the completion of the Club’s annual report and its submittal to AAUM
  • Serving on any standing or ad hoc committee, with voting rights, as desired
  • Appointing standing or ad hoc committees (and their chairpersons) for the Club (subject to Board confirmation)
  • Serving as principal liaison with the University of Michigan, AAUM, and other organizations

Vice President

The Vice President’s responsibilities include:

  • Presiding over Club meetings in the absence of the President
  • Ensuring that the term limits described in the Club’s Bylaws are adhered to by the Officers and Directors of the Board
  • Assuming the duties of the President on an interim basis if the President is unable to complete his/her term
  • Performing any duties of the President as delegated


The Secretary’s responsibilities include:

  • Giving notice of Club Board meetings
  • Taking and distributing meeting minutes at Board and special meetings
  • Maintaining a permanent record of all proceedings of the Club
  • Recording votes from the Board and general membership
  • Maintaining and circulating the current Articles of Association, Bylaws and Addendums
  • Taking attendance at Club Board meetings
  • Serve as Social Media / Website Administrator (when not delegated to a committee chair or otherwise)


The Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

  • Receiving all funds paid to the Club from all sources
  • Disbursing money for properly authorized orders/invoices/receipts
  • Maintaining the permanent record of all Club financial matters
  • Preparing a Treasurer’s Report for each Board meeting, including the status of both (a) the Club’s operating fund and (b) and Club’s scholarship funds
  • Preparing a final report for the prior fiscal year and timely submitting such report to the Board
  • Transferring scholarship funds to the Office of Financial Aid of the University of Michigan as appropriate
  • Assisting in preparation of event-based budgets and related record keeping


Updated as of January 18, 2024

All board members’ responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Serving as liaisons among the Club’s leadership, its membership, and the community at large
  • Representing the diverse interests of the general membership
  • Attending 3 out of 4 quarterly Board meetings
  • Planning, arranging, and coordinating events for the Club
  • Attending events (at least one Director is required to attend each event)
  • Working together to establish financial and operational objectives for the Club
  • Assisting Officers in the administration of the Club and in volunteer identification and recruitment
  • Working together to establish and support committees, and nominating committee chairs, that best fulfill the annual goals of the Club
  • Contributing to the work of at least one standing or ad hoc committee
  • Soliciting nominees for Officer and Director positions
  • Working to ensure the Board and its committees are representative of the Club community


Updated as of January 18, 2024

Marketing and Communications Committee

The responsibilities of the Marketing and Communications Committee include coordinating the communication and marketing strategies for the Club with the President and the Board, and creating and executing the Club’s social media strategy, specifically:

  • Maintaining the Club’s website, including drafting copy for it
  • Maintaining the Club’s social media accounts, including drafting copy for them and engaging with alumni, students and other club members
  • Drafting and sending email listserv messages on at least a monthly basis to the Club’s members and other constituents
  • Monitoring the Club’s email inbox and responding to constituents within a reasonable time
  • Submitting copy (either received from event leads or drafted) regarding upcoming events to AAUM’s Event Calendar
  • Coordinating the design and creation of marketing materials (e.g., flyers, business cards, signs, mailings) as needed, both physical and digital
  • Proposing and executing strategies to promote events, initiatives, and benefits of the Club and AAUM
  • Assisting other Club committees with their promotional efforts
  • Partnering with AAUM’s marketing and communications initiatives
  • Otherwise proposing, coordinating, and executing the marketing, promotion, and communication strategies of the Club, including additional initiatives as agreed upon by the Board
  • Partnering with Board Members and the Membership Committee to develop and drive a strategy to make opportunities for leadership and involvement known to the general membership

Scholarship Committee

The responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee include:

  • Soliciting qualified students in the Club’s area to apply for Club scholarship awards, reviewing applications submitted by students, and awarding the winners funding from the Club’s scholarship fund, in conjunction with U-M’s Office of Financial Aid
  • Coordinating the raising of funds to support the Club’s scholarship fund and recommending to the Board how to manage and distribute such funds

New and Prospective Alumni Engagement Committee

The responsibilities of the New and Prospective Alumni Engagement Committee include:

  • Maintaining regular communication with volunteers in AAUM’s Alumni Student Recruiting (ASR) program
  • Assisting in the recruitment of students from the Club’s area to U-M, in conjunction with U-M’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, including disseminating information and materials regarding U-M to prospective students and schools in the area, attending college nights in the area, and contacting area high school guidance counselors
  • Developing and coordinating an admitted student reception for accepted students
  • Developing and coordinating a student send-off reception for newly enrolled students
  • Developing and coordinating activities and communications to properly welcome and integrate current students and new alumni to the Club

Programming Committee

The responsibilities of the Programming Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Planning and coordinating Club events that align with AAUM’s brand values, including establishing financial and operational objectives for such events
  • Informing the Marketing and Communications Committee of all information on events and other matters of interest to Club members with sufficient time to market such events and matters
  • Collecting feedback from event attendees and informing the Board of “lessons learned” from events
  • Ensuring at least one Club board member attends each event planned by the committee
  • Considering a wide range of programming for our diverse membership, specifically including remaining aware of opportunities to engage with Michigan students, faculty and alumni when in Charlotte (examples: Broadway productions and professional sporting events with alum participants, lectures by business leaders or professors, sporting events when Michigan teams come to the area)
  • Coordinating with sub-committees to schedule events and calendars

Game-Watch Sub-Committee

  • Establish and maintain relationship between Club and local venues to provide opportunities for Michigan Football, Basketball and other event game watch parties on a regular basis, and coordinate all aspects thereof as appropriate

Community Service Sub-Committee

  • Organize and coordinate community service opportunities of various types and in various locations for Club members across all areas of Charlotte

Membership Committee

The responsibilities of the Membership Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Ensuring at least one committee member is present at each Club event to explain and promote the benefits and value of AAUM membership (e.g., distribute handouts, acknowledge members at sign-in table or during event, promoting membership and educating attendees regarding its value during welcome remarks) and, when desirable, providing member giveaways
  • Collaborating with the Marketing and Communications Committee to ensure the benefits and value of AAUM membership are being adequately promoted online
  • Collaborating with the Programming Committee and Treasurer to ensure membership value is being emphasized in planning and pricing Club events
  • Ensuring all of the Club’s directors (including officers) remain AAUM members during the entirety of their term on the Board
  • Partnering with the New and Prospective Alumni Engagement Committee in welcoming alumni moving to the Club’s area (to encourage AAUM membership)
  • Otherwise cooperating with AAUM’s membership initiatives
  • Working together to create strategies, with the AAUM, to market AAUM membership to club members
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