U-M Club of Philadelphia: Scholarship Information

The Mary Romig-de Young Scholarship

The University of Michigan Club of Philadelphia offers scholarships to promising scholars from the Philadelphia metropolitan area who enroll as undergraduate students at the University of Michigan. Our scholarship is named in memory of Mary Romig-de Young, a long-time alumni club member who was the heart and soul of the club for many years. Mary had a special fondness for scholarship activities and led the fundraising for much of our current endowment.

The scholarship is a need-based scholarship offered to one or more outstanding Philadelphia area high school seniors each year. The number and amounts of scholarship awards may vary from year to year. Recent awards have been between $1,500 and $8,000. The actual amount of the award is determined by many factors, including the demonstrated, unmet financial need of the applicant and the results of the alumni interview. The money is deposited directly in the student’s account at the University of Michigan, with half the money deposited in September for the fall semester, and the other half in January for the winter semester. Any renewable awards are subject to the applicant maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA at Michigan and submittal of an official transcript to the Club during the summer.

This Year’s Application Deadline: Sunday April 21, 2024

How To Apply

High school seniors from the club area (Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, and Chester counties in Pennsylvania, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth and all counties in southern New Jersey) who are applying to the University of Michigan for the 2024-2025 academic year are encouraged to apply for the scholarship. Note that any admitted student is eligible to apply. However, only those students deemed as having a certain level of unmet financial need by the University’s Office of Financial Aid (OFA) are eligible to receive the scholarship. Therefore, you must have applied to the OFA for financial aid to have any chance to be eligible for the scholarship.

Please see the Scholarship Application(PDF) which contains complete instructions and deadlines for submitting the application.


The only way we have been able to attract and reward such talented students is the gracious support of our club members. We sincerely appreciate all the contributions from you that have made the scholarship possible.

Like most good things in life, we must continue to nourish and take care of our scholarship funds to continue the scholarship well into the future. If you are interested in making a contribution to the scholarship fund so that we can continue to identify, recruit, and reward the local “Leaders and Best”, there are three ways that you can contribute.

  1. Make a donation to the scholarship fund. Please email David Owens at dowensgsb@gmail.com for more information on how you can contribute.
  2. Suggest a fundraising idea for the scholarship fund. Please send your ideas to David Owens, who will present it to the Board for consideration. If the Board approves the idea, your skill and assistance in executing the fundraiser would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Volunteer to assist in any fundraising events. Please contact David Owens for more information.

Other Scholarship Links

Scholarship information and resources from U-M.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the scholarship program, have any suggestions related to scholarship or fundraising, or would like to participate in our scholarship and fundraising activities, please contact David Owens at dowensgsb@gmail.com.

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