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U-M Club of Michiana: Club Positions and Committees


ADDENDAUniversity of Michigan Club of Michiana Adopted July 8, 2019 Supersedes any and all previous addenda




The responsibilities of all UMCM officers shall include but not be limited to:

  • Setting overall strategy for the UMCM
  • Leading efforts to revise Articles of Association, By-Laws, and Addenda as needed
  • Responding to inquiries from members and the public (email, Facebook message, Tweet, in-person, etc.)
  • Serving as a resource for the Chairs of the committee(s), and participating in associated activities as needed.



The President’s responsibilities include:

  • Supervising and coordinating UMCM activities
  • Calling and presiding over regular and special meetings of the Board and the Annual Meeting of the Membership
  • Ensuring the holding of the Annual Meeting as called for by club’s bylaws
  • Creating, with a majority vote of the Board, standing or ad hoc committees for the UMCM and appointing their respective chairpersons
  • Serving as principal liaison with the University, the Alumni Association and other organizations

Vice President

The Vice President’s responsibilities include:

  • Presiding over the UMCM meetings in the absence of the President
  • Ensuring term limits are adhered to by the Officers and Directors of the Board
  • Assuming duties of the President on an interim basis if the President is unable to complete his/her term
  • Ensuring the completion of the UMCM Annual Report for the AAUM


The Secretary’s responsibilities include:

  • Scheduling and giving notice of the UMCM Board meetings
  • Taking attendance at UMCM Board meetings
  • Ensuring sign-in sheets are used at each event or that guest attendance is taken
  • Tallying votes from the Board and general membership
  • Taking and distributing meeting minutes at Board and special meetings and at the Annual Meeting of the Membership
  • Maintaining the UMCM calendar
  • Maintaining a permanent record of all UMCM proceedings
  • Maintaining and circulating the current Articles of Association, Bylaws and Addenda of the UMCM.
  • Prepare meeting agendas with input from officers and committee chairs


The Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

  • Receiving all funds paid to the UMCM
  • Disbursing money on properly authorized orders/invoices
  • Maintaining appropriate banking accounts for receiving and disbursing funds, such as club checking account, PayPal account, etc.
  • Maintaining the permanent record of all financial matters
  • Preparing a Treasurer’s Report on the status of the operating and scholarship funds for all meetings of the Board, including the Annual Meeting
  • Preparing a final report for the prior fiscal year and submitting such report to the Board and completing financial portions of AAUM Annual Report
  • Transferring funds to the Office of Financial Aid
  • Assisting in preparation of event-based budgets and related record keeping



A Director’s responsibilities include:

  • Serving as liaisons among the UMCM leadership, the membership, and the community at large
  • Assisting in fundraising for the Elbel Scholarship Fund
  • Representing the diverse interests of the general membership
  • Assisting the Officers in the administration of the UMCM
  • Assisting the Officers in volunteer identification and recruitment
  • Attending Board meetings on a regular basis
  • Attending club events on a regular basis
  • Contributing to the work of at least one standing or ad hoc committee



The following committees exist or are contemplated by the UMCM. Ad hoc committees may also be created as deemed needed by the Board.

The chair(s) for each committee shall be responsible for submitting financial goals, including budgets, to the Treasurer throughout each fiscal year. The financial goals are to be reviewed and rejected, accepted, or accepted with modifications by the Board.

Elbel Scholarship Committee

The Elbel Scholarship Committee shall conduct committee meetings, interview students who apply for Elbel Scholarships, award such scholarships by majority vote of the committee, thank donors to the scholarship fund, and hold such functions regarding Elbel Scholarships as the Board of Directors may authorize; and shall perform such other duties as these By-Laws, the Board or the President may prescribe.

Elbel Scholarship Chair responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring the balance and withdrawals from the University-held scholarship fund.
  • Serving as the primary point of contact for the University Office of Financial Aid and in relation to donations made to the University-held scholarship fund.

Community Ambassador Committee

The Community Ambassador Committee shall implement the Alumni Association’s community approach to alumni engagement. Committee members will be the primary liaison between the UMCM and the Wolverine Forum and other online communities.

Committee member responsibilities include:

  • Participate and be present within the Forum to build camaraderie, increase engagement, and foster discussion specific to the Michiana Club’s interests and geography.
  • Monitor the Forum on a regular basis for references to our Club territory and communities served and respond to or assist in responding to questions of any topic within our geography.
  • Launch discussions around club events and activities, both before and after.
  • Train all other Board Members and Officers in use of Wolverine Forum

Marketing and Communications Committee

Members of this committee include but are not limited to the Contact Database Administrator, Website Administrator, and Contributing Editor. The responsibilities of the Marketing and Communications Committee include coordinating communication and marketing strategies for the UMCM and assisting other committees with creation and execution of flyers, website content, emails, social media events and content, photographs, and other materials.

Contact Database Administrator responsibilities include:

  • Procuring training in and maintaining access to all AAUM-provided contact systems.
  • Updating alumni information for the UMCM on a regular basis
  • Running queries to download alumni information
  • Updating and maintaining the club’s listserv
  • Sending email listserv content as directed

Website Administrator responsibilities include:

  • Managing and updating the content of the website as requested by the Board and the Contributing Editor
  • Procuring training in and maintaining access to AAUM-provided website and other non-AAUM web assets such as Google Drive.
  • Serving as a back-up to Contact Database Administrator for sending email listserv content.

Contributing Editor responsibilities include:

  • Writing text for the UMCM website, listserv messages and social media events and posts.
  • Submitting information for the AAUM website event calendar
  • Writing text for and coordinating supplemental and other AAUM-sponsored outreach
  • Serving as a back-up to Website Administrator for updating website content. 

Student Relations Committee

The responsibilities of the Student Relations Committee include:

  • Assisting in recruiting students for the University of Michigan
  • Recruiting volunteers for the Alumni Association’s adopt-a-school program
  • Contacting high school guidance counselors within the UMCM area
  • Developing and coordinating a spring event for accepted students to encourage matriculation, a fall send-off event for newly admitted students, and information sessions
  • Disseminating scholarship information and materials to UM students in the UMCM

Young Alumni Committee

The responsibilities of the Young Alumni Committee include:

  • Hosting at least one event for young alumni each year
  • Advising the Board when necessary to amend the definition of “young alumni”, which is currently defined by year of graduation
  • Serving as the single point of contact for initiating and responding to young alumni communications
  • Assisting in developing programs and events focused on engaging young alumni, including identifying young alumni to serve as volunteers for young alumni events and events involving local high school students and student recruitment.

Event Planning Committee
(Ad-hoc for specific events)

A short-term event planning committee will be formed at the request of the Officers. The committee will lead the planning of a specific major event, including arranging location, food, activities, and marketing strategies, and will seek assistance of Board members and other committees to facilitate the funding and planning.

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