Welcome from the President
Welcome to the U-M Club of Grand Rapids website!
The U-M Club of Grand Rapids is the local extension of the Alumni Association. Our objective is to create connections and a community for our local greater Grand Rapids Alumni. We provide a variety of programming and events to allow local alumni to reconnect with Michigan and each other. I encourage you to check out our upcoming events and join us!
Due to covid-19, our 2020-2021 year is going to be a little different. We are currently only hosting virtual events. We have some great virtual ones being planned including monthly trivia, a Zingerman’s cooking class, wine tasting, a barre class, and a diversity book series.
The Club is proud to support academic achievement at the University of Michigan. Annually we award $4,000 to approximately 60 students at Michigan. These are a four-year scholarship. Each year, 15 new scholarships are awarded to some outstanding West Michigan incoming freshmen. Scholarships are open to incoming freshman in the greater Grand Rapids area.
We are grateful to be able to provide these scholarships and can only through your generous participation in our programs. We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your participation and your contributions, both past and future.
If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, board member or just come to an event, please feel free to contact us at grandrapidsclub@umich.edu.
Go Blue!
Sarah Nelson
Club President