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U-M Club of Triangle Area (M-TAC): Scholarships

M-TAC “Leaders and Best” Scholarship

M-TAC presently awards a single annual scholarship worth $3,000 to an incoming freshman or a continuing undergraduate U-M student from the M-TAC area. This scholarship is supported by Michigan alumni within M-TAC.

Scholarships are awarded in the summer for the upcoming school year and are based upon a written application. All eligible students are sent an email in late spring notifying them of the availability of the scholarship and providing them with instructions for applying.

If you have any questions about the MTAC scholarship program, send an email to M-TAC.


Generous alumni help make possible the scholarships M-TAC provides to students each year. Donations can be made online (credit card) or by mail (check). Here are instructions for each method:

An online donation form is available here. Type “Triangle” into the keyword search to locate our fund (Triangle Alumni Club NC Scholarship Fund – 365838).

To donate by check, please mail a check payable to “Alumni Association” (be sure to write “Triangle Alumni Club NC Scholarship Fund – 365838” in the memo line) to:

200 Fletcher St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1007
AAUM Office of Development

Thanks for your help!


If you are a continuing or incoming Michigan student who resides within the M-TAC area, have filled out a FAFSA, and have demonstrated either “High” or “Medium” financial need, you will receive an invitation to apply from [email protected] in May. This invitation will contain questions that are to be submitted as an application for the scholarship, due in July.


2022 – Avery Hormel
2021 – Avery Hormel
2020 – Matthew Lamb
2019 – Matthew Lamb
2018 – Asia Dillard
2017 – Asia Dillard
2016 – Asia Dillard
2015 – Cayla Palmer
2014 – Gina Barnhouse
2013 – Sean Seymour
2012 – Maria Wooten
2011 – Erin Amundson
2010 – Maria Wooten
2007 – Erin Allen
2007 – Yi Zhou
2005 – Erin Allen
2005 – Laurel Harris
2004 – Rebecca Nadel
2004 – Jennifer Zaucha
2003 – Ashley Barker
2003 – Michael Lim
2002 – Ashley Dikos
2002 – Boz Zellinger


I chose to pursue engineering, particularly Materials Science and Engineering, because it allows me to ask the question “why?”  I have an incurable need to understand the world around me and to question everything that I am exposed to. I also have a sense of accomplishment once I conceptually understand the answer to a question that I have set out to solve. The notion of improving the quality of life on this planet through discovery, design, development and deployment of advanced engineering materials motivates me.  With such a vast community of culturally and intellectually diverse individuals, Michigan is always focused on providing a creative environment for students like me to reach their full potential.

Since coming to Michigan, I have made the decision to pursue graduate school in engineering.  Outside of class, I have spent my time as an active member in the National Society of Black Engineers, undertaking research on composite materials and having an executive position for the coordination of an Alternative Spring Break to Chicago in 2018 in order to expose high school students both to engineering and to Michigan.

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