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U-M Club of New York: Mission

The U-M Club of NYC is an affiliate of, and chartered by, The Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (“AAUM”), an educational, non-profit membership organization of graduates and friends of the University of Michigan. The Club is organized, and shall be operated, to:

  • Bring alumni together in support of each other and to promote and support the objectives of the University of Michigan and the strategic priorities of AAUM through the establishment and maintenance of contact among the University, its graduates, and present and prospective students.
  • Provide fellowship among alumni, students and friends of the University of Michigan, especially in the New York City region; and
  • Offer programs of interest to alumni, students and friends of the University of Michigan, especially in the New York City region.

The U-M Club of NYC strives to help local alumni remain connected to each other and the University and contribute on a regional level towards the following goals:

  • Connect. Connect, and harness the power of the U-M community. The Alumni Association is an extraordinary community of passionate U-M alumni who want to make a difference in the world, and who believe that what we can do together is greater than the sum of our individual efforts. When we come together, we collaborate, learn from and support one another, and make meaningful change in our own lives and for the greater good.
  • Excel. Excel, by accessing the best learning for life.  As Michigan Alumni, we embrace a lifetime commitment to the pursuit of excellence in every facet of our personal and professional lives. Through the Alumni Association we gain direct access to the University of Michigan’s vast resources, from which we can obtain the knowledge we need at any point in our lives. For Michigan Alumni, learning never ends.
  • Celebrate. Celebrate, by keeping U-M close, and the spirit alive. We love the University of Michigan and are proud of the great variety of accomplishments for which it is recognized around the world. As alumni, we cherish the credibility that our connections with the University and other U-M alumni grant us, and are eager to protect and strengthen these bonds. The Alumni Association keeps us deeply engaged with and informed about our University, and it provides us with opportunities to share our pride in our institution.
  • Give Back. Give Back, by supporting our communities, our alumni, and the future Leaders and Best. Our claim of being the Leaders and Best carries with it a high level of personal responsibility to give back to the institution that made us so. We gladly give back, in part because it was at U-M that our belief in the intrinsic value of helping others flourished. It is now part of our “Michigan DNA” and the Alumni Association makes it possible for us to give back of our time, talent and resources to make our University even stronger and to support other members of the Michigan community.

About the Alumni Association

For those who leave Michigan
but for whom Michigan never leaves,
there is the Alumni Association
of the University of Michigan.


Go Blue. Forever.

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