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U-M LGBTQ Alumni: Bylaws


The name of this organization is the University of Michigan LGBTQ Alumni Association (hereafter referred to as “UMLGBTQ”).


The University of Michigan LGBTQ Alumni Association is a chartered affiliate of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (hereafter referred to as “AAUM”). UMLGBTQ brings University of Michigan  alumni, faculty, students, staff, friends, and allies of all gender identities and sexual orientations together in support of each other and to promote the objectives of the University of Michigan through the establishment and maintenance of contact among the University, its graduates, and present and prospective students.  Its purposes are:

A. To keep LGBTQ alumni informed of the concerns, needs, goals, interests and progress of the University of Michigan, especially as related to issues around gender and sexual orientation.
B. To provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and resources in an effort to improve engagement and service among University of Michigan LGBTQ alumni, students, faculty and staff.
C. To establish a formal mechanism for extending community and camaraderie among LGBTQ alumni, students, faculty, staff and allies.
D. To further the recruitment and retention of students, faculty and staff at the University of Michigan, by ensuring that people of all gender identities and sexual orientations will be part of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.
E. To provide scholarship support, service opportunities, and programming for current students and future alumni.


All University of Michigan alumni or AAUM members are eligible for membership in UMLGBTQ, provided they support the goals and ideals of UMLGBTQ.

A Membership Meeting shall be called by the Chair of the UMLGBTQ Board of Directors at least once annually during June, at a place, date and time communicated to all current UM-LGBTQ members at least twenty-eight calendar days in advance of the meeting date. The Chair of the UM-LGBTQ Board of Directors shall preside over all membership meetings and business at such meetings may be conducted by a simple majority of members present.


A. Board Member Eligibility

The members of the UMLGBTQ Board of Officers and Directors (hereafter referred to as “Board”) shall be drawn from the membership of UMLGBTQ and must have been UMLGBTQ members in good standing at the time their terms commence and must remain UMLGBTQ members in good standing for the duration of their terms. Further, Board members should be AAUM members at the time their terms commence.

B.   Board Composition

The Board shall be constituted as follows:

  1.     Four Officers of UMLGBTQ: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer
  2.     Three Directors elected from UMLGBTQ membership
  3.     Two Student Directors representing LGBTQ+ student organizations on campus who shall serve in an advisory role to the Board and are not eligible for officer positions.

C. Election of Officers and Directors

Election of Officers and Directors shall be held at the Membership Meeting during June of each year. Nomination of candidates can be made only by UMLGBTQ members in good standing. Those elected shall be affirmed by a majority vote of the general members present at the Annual Meeting.

D.  Terms of Office

Officers and Directors are elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected for one additional term for a total of six consecutive years of service in a single office. No Board member, including both Officers and Directors, may serve for longer than a maximum of six years on the Board. Terms of Officers and Directors shall be staggered to assure continuity of experienced members on the Board. The term of an officer or director shall commence immediately following the membership meeting at which he or she is elected.

Selected Student Directors shall be currently enrolled full-time students and serve for a school year term from September to September, and shall be eligible to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms, but must be approved each year by representative LGBTQ student organizations.

E.  Board Vacancies

If the Chairperson should resign or be unable to complete her or his term, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the role of Chairperson, and a majority of the Board may replace the Vice Chairperson for the remainder of the un-expired term.

If any other Officer or Director should resign or be unable to complete his or her term, the Chairperson, with concurrence of a majority of the Board, may replace that Officer or Director for the remainder of the un-expired term.

F. Removal of Officers or Directors

Members of the Board may be removed from office by a simple majority of board members at announced meeting when at least two-thirds of the members of the Board are present and accounted for. Prior to the removal of any member of the Board, the Chairperson must first communicate with the individual member to inform him or her of concerns/allegations and the Board’s intent to seek removal of the individual from their position on the Board. The individual board member may have time on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board or a special meeting called for the purpose of providing the individual board member with an opportunity to provide a defense on her/his behalf. This action will constitute due process and extend professional courtesies to the individual board member in question. Consideration for removal of Board members will include but not be limited to non-performance of duties and engaging in activities detrimental to UMLGBTQ.

G. Meetings of the Board

Meetings of the Board shall be held quarterly on dates to be selected by a majority vote of the Board; confirmation of meeting dates and locations shall be communicated in writing by the Chairperson to all Board members at least thirty days in advance of each meeting.

Special meetings of the Board may be called, provided notice of any such meeting of the Board shall be given at least thirty days previously thereto, by written notice delivered or sent by mail or email to each Board member.

A Board member may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a board member at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Board member attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. The business to be transacted at the meeting need not be specified in the notice of waiver of notice of such meeting, unless specifically required herein in these bylaws.

To conduct official business at Board meetings, a quorum consisting of a simple majority of the Board members, including the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, must be present. If less than a majority of the Board members are present at said meeting, a majority of the Board members present may adjourn the meeting whenever necessary without advance or further notice.

Attendance shall be either in person or by telephone, computer, teleconference, radio or similar communication whereby the distant Board members and those Board members present in person may all speak to and be heard on the matters raised therein. The voting members of the Board present at a duly organized meeting may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Board members to leave less than a quorum.

Each Board member who is entitled to vote and who is present at any meeting of the Board, whether in person or by telephone, computer, teleconference, radio or similar communication, shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the Board. Votes may be submitted in person, by telephone or electronically (by email or otherwise).


A.  Chairperson of UMLGBTQ

The Chairperson shall serve as the principal liaison to AAUM and the University of Michigan; preside at all meetings, conferences and formal events of UMLGBTQ and the UMLGBTQ Board; appoint members and chairpersons of standing or ad hoc committees; set the agenda for all UMLGBTQ meetings; conduct sanctioned business on behalf of the organization between meetings of the Board; disburse or accept funds on behalf of the UMLGBTQ; to execute business pertaining to UMLGBTQ as needed and consistent with these bylaws; and perform such additional duties as the Board may require.

B.  Vice Chairperson of UMLGBTQ

The Vice Chairperson shall act in place of the Chairperson whenever necessary due to the absence of the Chairperson or the inability of the Chairperson to carry out the assigned duties and shall serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Vice Chairperson should perform all duties incident to the office and other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chairperson and/or the Board.

C.  Secretary of UMLGBTQ

The Secretary shall serve as the official recorder of minutes of UMLGBTQ membership and UMLGBTQ Board meetings; shall be the custodian of the UMLGBTQ business records; and shall create and maintain documents pertaining to the history and proceedings of the UMLGBTQ. These minutes and documents should be maintained in one or more books provided for archival information at AAUM. In general, the Secretary should perform all duties incident to that office and other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Chairperson or the Board.

D. Treasurer of UMLGBTQ

The Treasurer shall maintain UMLGBTQ financial records and present a financial report at all UMLGBTQ Membership and UMLGBTQ Board meetings. In conjunction with the Chairperson, the Treasurer may endorse checks for the disbursement of funds controlled by and under the jurisdiction of UMLGBTQ; shall receive funds paid to UMLGBTQ and disburse money on properly authorized orders and invoices; and shall maintain a permanent record of all financial matters.

E.  Directors of UMLGBTQ

The Directors shall serve as liaisons between UMLGBTQ leadership, the membership, and the community at large; shall represent the diverse interests of the membership; shall assist the Officers in the administration of UMLGBTQ and in volunteer identification and recruitment; and shall contribute to the work of at least one standing or ad hoc committee.

F.  Student Directors of UMLGBTQ

Student Directors shall serve as liaison between the student body and the Board; assist in activity identification, issue alerts, and execution of UMLGBTQ goals and objectives; help identify way to engage the student body and promote collaboration across the University of Michigan internal student networks; and participate in Board meetings and activities that support UMLGBTQ. Student members are not required to pay any fees or AAUM membership dues.


A.  Executive Committee

The Executive committee of UMLGBTQ shall consist of the chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and Treasurer.  The Chairperson of the UMLGBTQ shall serve as the Chairperson of the Executive committee. Other UMLGBTQ Board members may sit in the Executive committee in an ex-officio capacity. The purpose of this Executive Committee is to act on the behalf of the Board, consistent with the UMLGBTQ By-Laws, in these situations when it is not feasible to call a meeting of the entire board. Actions taken the Executive Committee shall be subject to approval at the next meeting of the Board.

B.  Membership Committee

This committee shall-be responsible for receiving, recording. and maintaining UMLGBTQ membership applications, for conducting membership recruitment drives and shall develop promotional materials for the organization consistent with the framework of AAUM. This committee will also maintain responsibility for calling the roll at official UMLGBTQ meetings for the purpose of attendance and voting privileges and shall maintain a register of the official membership roster which will include contact information.

C.  LGBTQ Student Recruitment and Retention Committee

This committee shall be responsible for assisting AAUM and other U-M academic and student support units with the recruitment and retention efforts for LGBTQ students to The University of Michigan. This committee shall also be responsible for setting the criteria and developing appropriate procedures to identify and select scholarship recipients to The U-M campuses, and for awarding scholarships with the approval of the Board.

D.  LGBTQ Faculty Recruitment and Retention Committee

This committee shall be responsible for assisting the University of Michigan in developing policies, practices, and programs which serve to recruit and retain LGBTQ people more effectively in academic, administrative, and other staff positions.

E.  Cultural and Social Committee

This committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing the activities associated with the Annual UMLGBTQ Homecoming Reunion in Ann Arbor, Michigan and other cultural and/or social activities that may be planned from time to time.


Roberts Rules of Order, or any other set of Rules of Order duly adopted by a majority of the Board, shall govern parliamentary procedure in UMLGBTQ meetings.


These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board, and with review and approval by the AAUM Board of Directors.

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