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U-M Club of Fort Wayne: Get Involved

If you have any pictures of past club events or activities that you would like posted to the website, please e-mail them to Corey McSweeney at [email protected] .

Also, please join our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with all of our activities and to see additional photos.


Community Harvest Food Bank Volunteering

Community Harvest Food Bank

Community Harvest


The main purpose of the UM Alumni Club of Fort Wayne is to see that deserving students receive the opportunity for an excellent education at the University of Michigan through scholarship support. You can further this goal by being an active member in the club, making whatever financial donation you can afford, and also by being a member of the local Board of Directors. This letter is to request your consideration for joining the UM Alumni Club of Fort Wayne Board. There are many advantages of being on the board as follows:

  1. It’s an opportunity to participate more actively in obtaining scholarships for deserving potential U-M students in the Fort Wayne area. Much of our business meetings are centered around scholarship matters.
  2. It’s an opportunity to meet other like-minded Michigan fans interested in helping others. I personally have developed some great friendships over the years.
  3. Participation in the board develops leadership skills for your personal and professional development.
  4. There’s a chance to network with other business professionals on business matters as well as the social and charitable interaction described above.

Please consider becoming more active in the local club and joining the Board of Directors. The website lists board members and officer responsibilities. It boils down to showing up for the meetings once a month and participating in scholarship work and social project planning. Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me or any of the board members if you have any questions. Our contact information, meeting time, and location is also listed on our website.


Deep Reddy, President

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