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U-M Club of Tampa Bay: Club Bylaws

Articles of Association

U-M Club of Tampa Bay

Reviewed & Re-Adopted October 2014

Article One – NAME

The name of this organization is the University of Michigan Alumni Club of Tampa Bay, hereinafter referred to as the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.

Article Two – PURPOSE

The U-M Club of Tampa Bayis an affiliate of, and chartered by, the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (AAUM), an educational, non-profit membership organization of graduates and friends of the University of Michigan. The club and AAUM bring alumni together in support of each other both personally and professionally, while promoting the objectives of the University of Michigan through the establishment and maintenance of contact among the University, its graduates, and present and prospective students.

Article Three – MEMBERSHIP

U-M Club of Tampa Bay membership is a benefit of membership in AAUM without additional payment of dues. The classes of AAUM membership are:

  • “Regular members” – who consist of all those who have been regularly enrolled in a degree granting program at the University of Michigan for one semester or more and have paid current annual or life dues to AAUM.
  • “Associate members”- who consist of all persons, excluding those qualified as regular members, who have shown an active or vital interest in the University of Michigan and the AAUM and who have paid current annual or life dues to AAUM.

** Any board member, chairperson, or volunteer of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay are not required to pay any dues at any time. Membership to AAUM is strictly voluntary and encouraged to support national club activities.

*** Any board member, chairperson, or volunteer of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay are not required to be a University of Michigan Alumni. Positions are volunteer and open to all interested individuals to support the cause of club functions and encourage AAUM goals.


A majority vote by the Board and Committee Chairs are required to amend the Articles of Association.

Article Five – BYLAWS

The power to adopt, alter, amend, or repeal bylaws shall be vested in the board of directors of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.



Reviewed & Re-Adopted October 2014


The U-M Club of Tampa Bay shall be governed by a Board of Officers (hereinafter the “Board”) who are elected by the general membership at the Annual Meeting. The U-M Club of Tampa Bay shall always have at least three members of the Board.

Officers are encouraged to be current dues paying members of the AAUM.


The members of the Board shall be drawn from the membership of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay, who are members of the AAUM. The Board shall consist of the following:

  • Four to Seven primary officers: President (Co-Presidents if needed), Vice President (Co-Vice Presidents if needed), Secretary and Treasurer (Co-Treasurers if needed) whose general responsibilities are listed in Addendum A


U-M Club of Tampa Bay Officers are elected for a 1 year term and may be re-elected for 5 additional terms for a total of 6 consecutive years of service in a single office.

No Board member may serve for longer than a maximum of 6 years on the Board, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by a vote of the majority of the Board and Committee Chairs each year thereafter and not to exceed a total of 10 years. The person shall run for board membership the following year and the clock subsequently restarts.

If an Officer should resign before his or her term ends or be unable to complete his or her term of office, the President, with concurrence of a majority of the Board, may replace that Officer or Director for the remainder of the un-expired term until the next election, at which time a replacement will be selected by utilizing the selection process outlined above.

If the President resigns before the end of his or her term, the Co-President will assume the role of President. If both Co-Presidents resign the Vice President shall assume the role of President, and with concurrence of a majority of the Board, may replace the President for the remainder of the un-expired term until the next election, at which time a replacement will be selected by utilizing the nomination and selection process outlined above.

Section Four – QUORUM & VOTING

A quorum for the Board shall consist of a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the Board members and Committee Chairs with at least two (2) Officer(s) in attendance (either electronically or in person). Action by the Board must be by a majority of the quorum. Every Board Member and Committee Chair entitled to vote at a meeting or to express consent or dissent without a meeting, may authorize another person or persons to act for him or her by proxy. The proxy must be executed in writing (or by email) by the Board Member or Committee Chair. Such proxy shall be filed with the President of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay before or at the time of such meeting or at the time of expressing such consent or dissent without a meeting.


The U-M Club of Tampa Bay has ten (10) standing committees/leadership chairs: Career, Community Service, Cultural, Sports, Social, Family/Suburban, Scholarship and Student Recruitment, Marketing and Web Administration, Big Ten Relations, and Banquet.

General responsibilities for these committees are listed in the accompanying addendum.

Section Six – MEETINGS

The Annual Meeting of the Board shall be held at specified date, time, and location in the Summer of each year as the Board or President may designate with proper notice being sent to all members. Any member in good standing may attend. Such notice shall accompany the notice of the election of Officers and Committee Chairs.

There shall be at least three (3) other meetings of the Board each year. Additional meetings of the Board may be called when deemed necessary by the President or any two (2) members of the Board. Notice of such meeting may be provided by e-mail, or with mailed notice, provided such notice is given at least seven days prior to said meeting.

Action without a Meeting: Any action to be taken at any meeting of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay or a committee thereof, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so to be taken, signed by a majority of the Board Members or a majority of the members of the committee, as the case may be, is filed in the minutes of the proceedings of the board or of the committee, and such consent shall have the same effect as a majority vote.

Section Seven – RULES OF ORDER

The set of Rules of Order (“present-day general parliamentary law”) shall be duly adopted by a majority vote of the Board to govern parliamentary procedure in the U-M Club of Tampa Bay meetings.

Section Eight – BYLAWS

The Bylaws shall be adopted and re-adopted after bi-annual reviews for the governance of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay by a majority of the Board. A majority vote by the Board and Committee Chairs is required to amend the Bylaws.


Board Members shall not receive compensation for their service but may be reimbursed for Board-approved expenses.



Reviewed & Re-Adopted October 2014

Addendum (A)

Officer Positions


The responsibilities of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay officers shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Set overall strategy for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Lead efforts to revise Articles of Association, By-Laws, and Addendums as needed.


The President’s responsibilities include:

  • Supervising and coordinating U-M Club of Tampa Bay activities.
  • Calling and presiding over regular and special meetings of the Board.
  • Ensuring the holding of the Annual Meeting as called for by club√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s bylaws.
  • Ensuring the completion of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay Annual Report for the AAUM.
  • Serving, if interested, as a member of any standing or ad hoc committee, with the right to vote.
  • Appointing, with a majority vote of the Board and Committee Chairs, standing or ad hoc committees for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay and their respective chairpersons.
  • Serving as principal liaison with the University, the Alumni Association and other organizations.
  • Database and website administration and/or assist the chair/committee where required.

(Co-)Vice President(a)

The Vice President’s responsibilities include:

  • Presiding over the U-M Club of Tampa Bay meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Ensuring that the term limits described in the U-M Club of Tampa Bay bylaws are adhered to by the Officers and Directors of the Board.
  • Serving as a resource for the Chairs of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay’s committees and, participating in associated activities as needed.
  • Assuming the duties of the President on an interim basis if the President is unable to complete his/her term.


The Secretary’s responsibilities include:

  • Giving notice of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay Board meetings.
  • Taking and distributing meeting minutes at Board and special meetings.
  • Maintaining a permanent record of all U-M Club of Tampa Bay proceedings.
  • Tallying votes from the Board, Committee Chairs and general membership.
  • Maintaining and circulating the current Articles of Association, Bylaws and Addendums of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Taking attendance at U-M Club of Tampa Bay Board meetings.
  • Contributing editor for the E-TrueBlue.
  • MAC Database Administrator in the event the President so designates.


The Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

  • Receiving all funds paid to the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Disbursing money on properly authorized orders/invoices.
  • Maintaining the permanent record of all financial matters.
  • Preparing a Treasurer’s Report on the status of the operating and scholarship funds for all meetings of the Board, including the Annual Meeting.
  • Preparing a final report for the prior fiscal year and submitting such report to the Board.
  • Transferring funds to the Office of Financial Aid of the University of Michigan.
  • Transferring financial records to the current treasurer no later than the Annual Board Meeting.
  • Assisting in preparation of event-based budgets and related record keeping.
  • Serving as a resource for the Director(s) of (1) Scholarship Awards & Student Relations and (2) Fundraising, participating in associated activities as needed.


Addendum (B)

Committees / Leadership Chairs

The Chair(s) for each committee shall be responsible for submitting financial goals, including budgets, in writing to the Treasurer throughout each fiscal year. The financial goals are to be reviewed and rejected, accepted, or accepted with modifications by the Board.


The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Setting up professional networking events.
  • Focusing on events centered around education and self-improvement to enhance the professional life of individuals.
  • Encourage job searching.

Community Service

The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Planning, arranging, and coordinating community service projects for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Collecting informal feedback from event attendees and informing the Board of “lessons learned” from each event.
  • Researching and building relationships with local non-profit organizations.
  • Reporting past community events and presenting new ideas to the Board during quarterly meetings.
  • Documenting service projects for use in social media or other materials.
  • Recruiting club members to participate in service events.


The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Planning, arranging, and coordinating cultural events (i.e. art tours, wine tasting [over 21 years of age], non-sporting/community service events, etc.) for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Researching and building relationships with local cultural organizations.
  • Documenting cultural events for use in social media or other materials.
  • Recruiting club members to participate in cultural events.
  • Coordinate with the Social committee/chair when required.


The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Presenting the proposed calendar of sport related events to the Board for approval at the annual Board meeting.
  • Planning, arranging and coordinating sporting events, watch parties, etc. for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Researching local sporting contests with University of Michigan teams or alumni participants.
  • Researching local sporting contests with University of Michigan teams or alumni participants.
  • Ensuring that the Board is informed of all events with sufficient time to make sure members are notified of events and encouraged to attend.
  • Negotiating terms and providing offers for ticketed sporting events involving both local teams and U-M teams. Insuring that at least one representative on the Programming committee attends events that are planned by the committee.

Social & Social Media

Members of this committee include Facebook, Twitter, and any other current social media outlet to help market the U-M Club of Tampa Bay. The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Update Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media outlet with current information regarding events and updates.
  • Communicate and author announcements, market strategies for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay, and assist other committees with creation and execution of flyers, postcards, and other mailers and online strategies.
  • Coordinate with the Web Administrator to update U-M Club of Tampa Bay’s website and send emails to the listserv.
  • Organize social events (i.e. happy hours, restaurant visits, etc.)
  • Coordinate with the other committees/chairs when required.

Family / Suburban

The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Promote and coordinate events with members and participants who are located outside the Tampa/St. Pete greater area.
  • Coordinate with the other committees/chairs when required.

Scholarship & Student Relations

The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

  • Assisting in the recruitment of students for the University of Michigan.
  • Attending college nights at local high schools.
  • Recruiting volunteers for the Alumni Association’s adopt-a-school program.
  • Contacting high school guidance counselors within U-M Club of Tampa Bay area.
  • Developing and coordinating a student send-off reception for newly admitted students, information sessions, and a “conversion” party for accepted students.
  • Disseminating scholarship information and materials to UM students in the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Awarding scholarships to students from the U-M Club of Tampa Bay area.
  • Serving as liaison to the UM Office of Financial Aid.

Database & Web Administration

This includes a Michigan Alumni Connections (MAC) Database Administrator, Website Administrator, and Contributing Editor. The responsibilities of this committee/chair include:

Website Administrator responsibilities include:

  • Managing and updating the content of the website as requested by the Board and the Contributing Editor.
  • Coordinate with the social media chair/committee as required.

Contributing Editor responsibilities include:

  • Writing text for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay website (Regional e-TrueBlue automatically updated when events are submitted) and e-mails distributed through the listserv.
  • Coordinate with the social media chair/committee to incorporate social media with consistent language and text throughout.
  • Writing text for and coordinating supplemental and other AAUM sponsored paper mailings.

Michigan Alumni Connections (MAC) Database Administrator responsibilities include:

  • Updating alumni information for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay on a regular basis.
  • Running queries or requests to the regional director to download alumni information.
  • Updating and maintaining the club’s listserv.

Big Ten Relations

The responsibilities of the Big Ten Relations Committee include:

  • Attending Big Ten of Tampa Bay meetings and conference calls.
  • Reporting Big Ten meeting notes to the board at quarterly U-M Club of Tampa Bay meetings.
  • Acting as a liaison of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay and building relationships between our club and other local Big Ten clubs.
  • Communicating, promoting, and tracking participation for Big Ten Club events to the members of the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.


The responsibilities of the Banquet Committee include:

  • Planning, arranging, and coordinating the annual banquet event for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
  • Securing in-kind donations from local businesses and individuals to be used for a silent auction (if desired).
  • Coordinating the promotion, communication, and invitations for the banquet. Coordinate with the other chairs/committees as required.
  • Tracking all budgeting aspects of the event in cooperation with the Treasurer and other board members. Including but not limited to: ticket sales, auction proceeds, catering costs, venue fees, and material costs.

Other Committees as necessary:

At Large Members

The responsibilities of the At Large members include:

  • Participating in quarterly board meetings.
  • Casting votes on issues presented by the board.
  • Representing and promoting the U-M Club of Tampa Bay to the Tampa Bay community.
  • Creating and presenting initiatives or activities for the U-M Club of Tampa Bay.
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