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U-M Club of Richmond: Club Bylaws

Richmond Club Bylaws


The name of this organization shall be The University of Michigan Club of Richmond, hereafter referred to in these Bylaws as the “Club”.


The objectives of the organization shall be:

  1. To promote and support the University of Michigan
  2. To promote a sense of fellowship among the various alumni and friends of the University in the area.
  3. To encourage qualified young men and women in the area to attend the University of Michigan.


Section 1.  Club membership is a benefit of membership in the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (AAUM) without additional payment of dues for those AAUM members in the Richmond area.

Section 2.  The classes of AAUM membership are:

  1. Regular members who consist of all those who have been regularly enrolled in a degree granting program at the University of Michigan for one semester or more and have paid current annual or life dues to AAUM.
  2. Associate members who consist of all persons, excluding those qualified as regular members, who have shown an active or vital interest in the University of Michigan and the AAUM and who have paid current annual or life dues to AAUM.


Section 1.  The Board of Directors, consisting of up to thirteen (13) members, shall be responsible for the operation, functions, and activities of the Club.  All Officers and Directors of the club’s board are expected to be current dues paying members of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan for the duration of their term. Directors shall not receive compensation for their services other than reasonable expenses incurred in the course of their Board duties.  The duties and powers of the Board of Directors shall include:

  1. To assist, advise, and direct the organization in achieving its stated objectives;
  2. To assure compliance with the letter and spirit of these Bylaws;
  3. To appoint, supervise and approve the work of all committees of the Club;
  4. To assure that the fiscal condition of the Club and any fund established by the Club is sound;
  5. To secure periodic audits of the books of the Club at such times as the Board of Directors deems it necessary or advisable, and to pay for such audits from the funds of the organization;
  6. To fill any vacancy among the officers or directors of the Club by a majority vote of the current board;
  7. To do all things necessary and proper in order to fulfill the objectives of the Club.

Section 2.  The Board of Directors shall consist of up to thirteen (13) members of the Club, four (4) of whom are also the officers of the Club.  An Officer shall not hold more than one officer position on the board of directors at a time.  A Director may hold up to three (3) Director positions (but no officer positions) on the board at one time.

  1. Four (4) Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. Up to Seven (7) Directors: Young Alumni Coordinator, Student Recruiting Coordinator, Sports Watching Coordinator, Immediate Past President.
  3. Up to Five (5) Directors-at-Large.


Section 1.  The duties of the PRESIDENT shall be as follows:

  • Call and preside over all regular and special meetings of the Board.
  • Develop a meeting agenda for each board and annual meeting.  Maintain a 3-year record of meeting agendas.
  • Schedule and promote the Annual Meeting as called for by club’s bylaws.
  • Complete the Club Annual Report for AAUM.
  • Serve as principal liaison with the University, Alumni Association and other organizations.
  • Gather event attendance at each Club event.  Maintain a 3-year record of club event attendance.

Section 2.  The duties of the VICE PRESIDENT shall be as follows:

  • Preside over board meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Lead the Nominating Committee for any open Board positions.
  • Ensure that the term limits described in the bylaws are adhered to by the Officers of the Board.
  • Assume the duties of the President on an interim basis if the President is unable to complete his/her term.

Section 3.  The duties of the SECRETARY shall be as follows:

  • Provide notice of Board meetings, including reschedules.
  • Take and distribute record of meeting minutes at Board and special meetings.
  • Take attendance at Board meetings.
  • Maintain a 3-year record of meeting minutes.
  • Tally votes on any issue put to the Board and general membership.
  • Maintain the official record of the club Bylaws.  Ensure the Bylaws are reviewed annually by the board and revised as needed.

Section 4.  The duties of the TREASURER shall be as follows:

  • Maintain all funds paid to the club.
  • Disburse money on properly authorized orders/invoices.
  • Maintain a 5-year record of all financial matters.
  • Prepare a Treasurer’s report on the status of the operating funds at all Board meetings.
  • Complete the Club Annual Financial Report for AAUM.
  • Schedule an audit of Treasurer’s records at least once every 2 years by an officer, at-large-member, external third-party, or general member of the Club who does not hold signatory authority on any of the club’s checking accounts or have direct access to any club monies (hereinafter referred to as internal reviewer.)

Note:  The Board and the members of the Club hold the internal reviewer harmless from acts of negligence, errors, or omissions that may arise from said review

Section 5.  The duties of the SPORTS WATCHING COORDINATOR shall be as follows:

  • Publicize game watch information in a timely fashion through email and Facebook.
  • Collect RSVPs for events and correspond with regular and potential attendees.
  • Coordinate game schedules with the host bar to secure and organize seating, server staffing, video (available TV) and sound (fight songs over loud speaker).  This applies to all football games, periodic basketball games, NCAA Basketball Tournament/March Madness, and other televised Michigan sports as per club interest.
  • Purchase and arrange decorations for major game watches (home openers, OSU game, bowl and championship games).
  • Organize periodic raffles of spirit merchandise for game watch attendees.
  • Maintain positive spirit and excitement for Michigan athletics!


Section 1.  The Board of Directors, led by the Vice President, shall propose a slate of nominees for presentation at the Annual Meeting.  Following the request for nomination from the floor, the election shall take place.  Any vacancy which occurs thereafter shall be filled for the remainder of the term by action of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  Club officers and members of the Board are elected for a one (1) year term and may be reelected for two (2) additional terms for a total of three (3) consecutive years of service in a single office.  Directors, including Officers, shall not serve more than six consecutive years on the Club’s Board. Following six consecutive years of service, a Director must take a mandatory sabbatical year off prior to being re-elected as a Director.

Section 3.  Upon resignation or relocation outside the club area of an officer or member of the Board of Directors, the Board shall appoint a replacement for the balance of the term.  In the event the affected office is that of President, the Vice President shall become the acting President.  At the next regular election, the membership may elect the acting President and Vice President to finish their respective roles for the following year or may elect a different President or Vice President.


The Annual Meeting shall be held each year at a time to be determined by the Board of Directors with such time to be publicized to the general Club membership at least 30 days in advance.  Quorum shall be the total of those members of the University present at the meeting of Michigan Alumni Association.



Five (5) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum sufficient to do business at any meeting or adjournment thereof.


The fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.



These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote by those present at any meeting.


Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, most recent edition, shall govern parliamentary procedure in meetings.



Effective Date Explanation
05/23/2005 Bylaws adopted.
05/20/2006 Revised to detail procedure for auditing of Treasurer’s records.
06/12/2010 Revised to clarify board member roles and responsibilities.

Expanded definition of membership.

06/27/2015 Revised to detail AAUM membership for all Board members.
5/14/2024 Revised to clarify Board member roles and annual meeting timing


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