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U-M Club of Greater Manistee-Ludington: Upcoming Events

February 22, 2023 – Wolverine Wednesday

Please join us at 12pm/lunch at the Bungalow Inn, Manistee

March 5, 2023, 2pm – “FOOTLOOSE”

West Shore Community College Performing Arts Series is presenting this award winning stage play. Alumni and friends are invited to attend the performance, with an ‘afterglow’ being planned. Tickets are available at the following link:

April 19, 2023 – Wolverine Wednesday

Ludington restaurant to be determined

***If you plan on attending any of the above events please contact: Jan – [email protected] or Cathy – [email protected]


A Patriotic Evening

at the Historic Guardian Angels Church

371 Fifth Street
Manistee, MI


The Power, Problems, and Promise of

“The Star-Spangled Banner”

Presented by
Author, Mark Clague, Ph.D.,
        Professor of Musicology, Arts Leadership, and American Culture at the University of Michigan

School of Music, Theatre & Dance

Accompanied by the music of
Becky Sopha and Friends and the Guardian Angels Musicians

Monday, July 17, 2023

7:00 p.m.

The University of Michigan Alumni Club of the Greater Manistee-Ludington Area is thrilled to be collaborating with the Guardian Angels Historic Preservation Project in hosting this event.




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