U-M Club of Dayton: Scholarships

2020 Award Winner

Ashton Tucker
UM College of Engineering

Samuel Caruso
UM College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters


The Dayton Club awards scholarships to local students annually based on merit and financial need. Applications will be emailed to all matriculated freshmen for the fall 2021 semester in the summer of 2021.  Interviews of the top applicants will be conducted as necessary in July. Notifications of awards will be made at our annual Student Send Off Picnic, which will be on August 7, 2021. All scholarship applicants are requested to attend the picnic to meet the club and receive recognition of their award.

Please contact our Club President, Stephen Garrett (garrettste@aol.com) for information.

Help Us Support Local Students!

The UM Club of Dayton Scholarship Fund is a great opportunity for local alumni to support students from the Dayton area as begin their journey to a U-M degree and eventually become part of our alumni family.  Our ability to continue providing scholarship awards is rooted in the generosity of our club members. If you are interested in donating directly to the scholarship fund, please contact us Stephen Garrett (garrettste@aol.com) or bring your donation to our next event! There are two ways to make a difference:

1. Take a deduction. For those who would like to make a tax deductible donation, please bring a check made out to “The University of Michigan.” Our club treasurer will be happy to take care of your documentation needs. 2. Go paperless. If you prefer direct online giving, click here. Please direct your donation specifically to Dayton U. of M. Club Scholarship Fund. The full amount of any donation goes directly to the student scholarship awards that are celebrated every summer at our annual picnic. These funds help our local students make out-of-state tuition a little more affordable. Thank you in advance for your support in preserving the club’s ability to provide these awards on an annual basis!

Past Award Winners

2019 Award Winner

Raina Lee
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Medicine

Nitish Vijai
UM College of Engineering
Academic Interests: Computer Engineering

Yongsoo Yuk
UM College of Engineering
Academic Interests: Medicine and Biomedical Engineering

2018 – Caitlin Hoyng
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Psychology, Near Eastern Languages and Culture, AFROTC

2018 – Nupoor Goyal
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Philosophy, Political Science and Economics (PPE)

2017 – Scott Beinlich, Archbishop Alter High SchoolUM College of EngineeringAcademic Interests: Computer Science Engineering & Business

2016 – Vidur Prasad, Dayton Regional STEM School

UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Computer Science and Economics

2015 – Anthony Struthers-Young, Beavercreek High School
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (Honors Program)
Academic Interests: Classics, History, Linguistics

2015 – Anne Goettemoeller, Anna High School
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Neuroscience, Medical Research

2014 – Melissa Lin, Beavercreek High School

UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Chemistry & Biology (Pre-Med)

2014 – Carson Hoke, Butler High School
UM College of Engineering
Academic Interests: Biomedical Engineering & Biochemistry

2013 – Carly Snyder, Centerville High School
UM School of Music, Dance & Theatre
Academic Interests: Musical Theatre

2013 – Wilson Mullen, Oakwood High School
UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Academic Interests: Political Science & National Security/Intelligence

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