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New Year’s Learning Resolutions

This year, why not make the pursuit of knowledge your resolution?
Read time: 2 minutes

It is the mantra heard round the world every New Year’s Day, “This year, I resolve to … .” Consistently, the top three resolutions involve weight loss, fitness, and money. This year, why not make your priority the pursuit of knowledge? If you think you’re too busy, listen to a podcast while commuting to and from work, watch a video while exercising on the treadmill, or read a quick article before dozing off to sleep. Alternatively, sign up for an online course and take a class from the comfort of your living room.

The options listed below and more are available on the Alumni Education Gateway, a web platform filled with content in all formats created by the Leaders and Best. This sampling can get you started on making 2020 your year of learning with

A Healthy Podcast

The School of Public Health recently launched the Population Healthy podcast. It digs into important topics affecting our everyday lives. Start with the podcast “Preventing Cancer: Thwarting a Disease that Affects 1 in 3 Americans.” In this episode, experts from U-M’s School of Public Health discuss their research on cancer and what they’re doing to try and prevent it.

Lightning Lectures

If you long to return to the classroom mentally but not physically, the School of Environment and Sustainability has created a Lighting Talk series on conservation and restoration, where faculty explore topics in 5-minute lectures. Professor Rebecca Hardin’s talk, “Wildlife to Water: Africas, Americas, Asias,” focuses on conservation justice.

Quick Reads

If you don’t have time to read the latest business book, but like to keep up with trends in the economy and workplace, check out the gateway’s quick-read articles published by some of the best minds at the Ross School of Business. Begin with Professor Julia Lee’s research on dishonest behavior and learn how it affects interpersonal relationships.

Home Learning

You can participate in a growing community of learners all over the world without leaving your home, thanks to Michigan Online. The platform offers an extensive portfolio of courses, teach-outs, and degrees developed by U-M faculty and instructional teams. Learn about anything from sports analytics and election primaries to cryptocurrencies and climate change. Visit

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