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Letter Land

Take our U-M acronym test and learn some of the words behind the letters.
Read time: < 1 minute

U-M is a campus of acronyms. We might all recognize LSA, UMMA, and the MLB. But if we asked you to meet us at EWRE for a discussion about CIGLR, would you know where and why we were meeting? Take our U-M acronym test and learn some of the words behind the letters.


  1. EWRE
  2. CIGLR
  3. DEI
  4. SAC
  5. SLATE
  6. IRWG
  7. FXB
  8. DPSS
  9. UHS
  10. UMSARC

  1. Environmental & Water Resources Engineering Building, North Campus
  2. Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research
  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  4. Screen Arts & Cultures
  5. Service Learning and Transdisciplinary Education Project
  6. Institute for Research on Women and Gender
  7. Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building
  8. Division of Public Safety and Security
  9. University Health Service
  10. University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center

Now try to put them all in one sentence!

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