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Five Free Alumni Association Career Resources

The Alumni Association and your alumni network are here for you, offering resources no matter where you are in planning your career.
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The Alumni Association offers an array of career resources that are accessible to you now and after you graduate. The following list includes the most relevant career resources for students. So check it out, whether you are updating your resume with your past summer experience, applying to an internship, starting your post-graduation search, or revamping materials before upcoming Career Center fairs.

  • Alumni Association Career Guides
    Our various guides can help with your internship search, job search, or general professional development. Some guides are geared toward improving your resume and cover letter, while others focus on interviewing, networking, and emailing.
  • Identity-Focused Career Resource Guides
    These career guides are specific for diverse identities, including BIPOC, women, LGBTQ+, international, and people with disabilities. They have recommended search databases and professional organizations to support your identity during your search and in the workplace.
  • Career Virtual Events
    Check out our monthly virtual events, which are free and accessible to anyone with a U-M login. The November webinar, “Mastering Your Resume: Content Trends and Formatting Best Practices,” features Clint Mytych, MPP’15, founder and chief writer of Content Pro Resume Services.
  • Career Webinar Library
    Throughout this virtual environment, you can view all past webinars on your own time and for free. Choose topics specific to job searching during the pandemic, for example, or for general professional development, including decision-making around graduate school, leveraging introversion, and understanding your Zoom style.
  • Job Search 101
    This comprehensive step-by-step guide allows you to follow along during your job search, from self-assessment to negotiation.

Be sure to stay connected with us and your Michigan alumni network by following the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan LinkedIn for the latest career programs and events.

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