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U-M Club of Seattle: Donate Here

Our Club Scholarship Fund

Our U-M Club of Seattle has its own scholarship fund. Endowment funds are invested by the University on our club’s behalf, and the University disburses funds per our directions, but our own local Scholarship Committee reviews candidates every year and selects the most deserving students from the greater Seattle area to receive special assistance from our club – assistance that, in many cases, makes it possible for local students to attend the University of Michigan.

Out-of-State Tuition

The latest numbers from the University of Michigan indicate that it will cost over a quarter of a million dollars for an out-of-state student to obtain a 4-year undergraduate degree, so it is easy to see why the issue of financial aid is such an important one.

Roby M. Burley

Our U-M Club of Seattle was established over 100 years ago, and we’ve had many generations of club leaders who have volunteered their time and efforts to help provide a welcoming community for Michigan alums taking up residence in the Pacific Northwest. Roby Burley was one of those notable club leaders, and helped get our scholarship fund off the ground with a sizable endowment many years ago. It is for these reasons that we have named our Club Scholarship fund the Roby M. Burley scholarship, in respectful memory of Roby’s contributions.


All donations to the Scholarship fund made out to the University of Michigan are eligible for matching funds and are tax-deductible. The University invests the principal for us and applies the scholarships we award to the student accounts.

Please give generously to help Washington students experience the University of Michigan.

Seattle alums who wish to make contributions to the scholarship fund may now make contributions online

Just think — your gift could help a deserving student from the Seattle area complete their Michigan education!

Make A Contribution Today

You can also make a donation by calling the gift line at 734-647-6179 or toll free at 888-518-7888. Be sure to direct your gift to the Roby M. Burley Scholarship Fund – 724500 in the Fin Aid-Grants/Loans/Work study category.

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