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U-M Club of the Twin Cities: Game Watching

Group at Tom's Watch Bar

Our Game Watch Bar for all University of Michigan Sporting Events is Tom’s Watch Bar, located in Downtown Minneapolis.  On the corner of 6th Street and Hennepin Avenue, Tom’s Watch Bar provides a great place to watch ALL sporting events for the Wolverines.

Our club gathers for EVERY football game, many basketball games, and a handful of other major University of Michigan sporting events throughout the year.  The location offers a great game day watching atmosphere and fun vibe.  Tom’s Watch Bar has large open spaces and daylight, plenty of large screen TVs, various seating, and good food and drinks (including Michigan Specials throughout the game).

Additionally, a % of net sales from our group at Tom’s Watch Bar will be put back towards our Club’s Scholarship Fund.  This fund helps students from the Twin Cities area with the cost to attend the University of Michigan.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there, cheering on the Wolverines, and singing The Victors!  As always, GO BLUE!

Tom's Watch Picture

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