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U-M Club of Greater San Francisco: Club Bylaws

University of Michigan (“UMSF”)

Alumni Club of Greater San Francisco (“UMSF”)


Adopted August 19, 2011

The UMSF Club shall be governed by a Board of Officers and Directors (hereinafter the “Board”).
Officers and Directors are required to be current members of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (AAUM).  If an officer or director has their membership lapse during their term, they will be considered as non-voting members of the board until their AAUM membership is in effect. Section Two – ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS
New Officers and Directors shall be nominated by the President in consultation with officers, and presented to the Board for approval by a majority vote of the Board members. Each year, the current slate of officials shall be presented to the general members attending the Annual Meeting.
The members of the Board shall be drawn from the membership of the UMSF Club who are members of the AAUM. The Board shall consist of the following:

  • Five (5) officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President(s), whose general responsibilities are listed in the Addendum.
  • Seven (7) Directors who are Program Chairs and whose general responsibilities are listed in the Addendum.
  • Up to five (5) Directors at Large whose general responsibilities are listed in the Addendum.  Appointment on an as-needed basis by the officers.

UMSF Club Officers serve for a two (2) year term and may be re-elected for one (1) additional term for a total of four (4) consecutive years of service in a single office.
UMSF Club Directors are elected for a two (2) year term and may be re-elected for two (2) additional terms for a total of six (6) consecutive years of service in a single office.  When a director has to step down due to term limit, they need to be off the board for at least one term (2 years) before coming back on the board.

In special cases, due to the expertise of a director in a position (ie: student recruitment), the officers with the approval of the board may elect to extend service for an individual in a single office beyond this term limit.
If an Officer or Director should resign before his or her term ends or be unable to complete his or her term of office, the President, with concurrence of a majority of the Board, may replace that Officer or Director to fill the position for the remainder of the term.  An officer or director appointed in such a way is eligible to serve for up to two full terms for a total of four (4) consecutive years of service, plus the remainder of the previous appointee’s term that he/she filled.
If the President resigns before the end of their term, the Vice President may assume the role of President, and with concurrence of a majority of the Board, may replace the Vice President with another eligible individual for the remainder of the un-expired term. Section Four – QUORUM AND VOTING
For voting, the issue at hand should be called to question with a motion, and seconded.  In order to have a valid vote, a quorum for the Board shall consist of a minimum of five (5) Board members with at least two (2) Officers in attendance.  Action by the Board must be by a majority of the quorum.
Section Five – COMMITTEES
UMSF Club has standing committees created as needed by the officers with the approval of the board.
Board level chairs for programming, designated as “Programming Chairs” and Directors on the board, will be named.  The board has the ability to appoint up to ten (10) programming chairs.   The board may also elect to keep a number of chairs vacant depending on the number of interested individuals.  These Programming Chairs, in consultation with the officers will help coordinate events specific to their interests and expertise.
The officers will communicate as needed with relevant programming chairs and in effect form ad-hoc committees as needed based on the relevant issues being faced.
Additional areas for programming and development into committees will be determined by the President, board members, based on input from members.
In addition, up to five (5) at-large Directors can be appointed to represent other interests for the membership.
Section Six – MEETINGS
The Annual Meeting of the Board shall be held at a specified date, time, and location in the spring of each year as the Board or President may designate with proper notice being sent to all members.   The President in consultation with the board has discretion to move the annual meeting time to later in the year in order to best serve the purposes of the alumni club.  Any member in good standing may attend.
There shall be at least three (3) other meetings of the Board each year, the officers may elect to hold the board meetings virtually by phone as well as in person. Additional meetings of the Board may be called when deemed necessary by the President or any officer of the Board. Notice of such meeting may be provided by e-mail, or with mailed notice, provided such notice is given at least seven days prior to said meeting.
The President or a quorum of the board may hold general alumni meetings open to all members by notifying the membership through regular membership communications. These meetings provide an opportunity for members to participate in developing club direction, planning and activities.

Section Seven – RULES OF ORDER
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern parliamentary procedure in the UMSF Club meetings.  Generally, board meetings shall follow an agenda put out by the President ahead of the meeting.  Any issues, including new business to be addressed in a meeting, should be forwarded to the President or other relevant officers in advance of a board meeting.  Speakers will be recognized by the President or Vice President who will conduct the meeting.
Section Eight – BYLAWS
The Bylaws shall be adopted for the governance of the UMSF Club by a majority of the Board. A majority vote by the Board is required to amend the Bylaws.

University of Michigan Alumni Club of Greater San Francisco (“UMSF”)


Adopted August 19, 2011


The responsibilities of the UMSF Club officers shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Set overall strategy for the UMSF Club
  • Lead efforts to revise Articles of Association, By-Laws, and Addendums as needed

The President’s responsibilities may include:

  • Supervising and coordinating UMSF Club activities
  • Calling and presiding over regular and special meetings of the Board
  • Ensuring the holding of the Annual Meeting as called for by club’s bylaws
  • Maintaining and circulating the current Articles of Association, Bylaws and Addendums of the UMSF Club
  • Ensuring the completion of the UMSF Club Annual Report for the AAUM
  • Serving, if interested, as a member of any standing or ad hoc committee, with the right to vote
  • Appointing, with a majority vote of the Board, standing or ad hoc committees for the UMSF Club and their respective chairpersons
  • Serving as principal liaison with the University, the Alumni Association and other organizations.

Vice President
The Vice President’s responsibilities may include:

  • Presiding over the UMSF Club meetings in the absence of the President
  • Chairing the Nominating Committee
  • Ensuring that the term limits described in the UMSF Club bylaws are adhered to by the Officers and Directors of the Board
  • Serving as a resource for the committee chairs and, participating in associated activities as needed
  • Assuming the duties of the President on an interim basis if the President is unable to complete his/her term
  • In the absence of a committee chair for a specific committee, helping the President and other board members, to help with initiatives specific to that committee
  • In consultation with the President and other board members, working on special projects, development of new initiatives as they emerge

The Secretary’s responsibilities will include:

  • Taking and distributing meeting minutes at Board and special meetings
  • Helping to maintain information on upcoming club events for our various social networking sites

The Secretary’s responsibilities may include:

  • Giving notice of the UMSF Club Board meetings
  • Maintaining a permanent record of all UMSF Club proceedings
  • Tallying votes from the Board and general membership
  • Taking attendance at UMSF Club Meetings and UMSF Club Board meetings

The Treasurer’s responsibilities will include:

  • Transferring financial responsibilities to the incoming treasurer no later than 30 days after the new officer’s term commences

The Treasurer’s responsibilities may include:

  • Receiving all funds paid to the UMSF Club
  • Disbursing money on properly authorized orders/invoices
  • Maintaining the permanent record of all financial matters
  • Preparing a Treasurer’s Report on the status of the operating and scholarship funds for all meetings of the Board
  • Preparing a final report for the prior fiscal year and submitting such report to the Board
  • Transferring club scholarship fundraising proceeds to University of Michigan
  • Assisting in event-related financial record keeping
  • Serving as a resource for event budgets and participating in associated activities as needed

Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President’s responsibilities include:

  • Participating regularly in Board planning and club activities, and serving as a resource for the Officers and Committee Chairs

Directors’ responsibilities may include:

  • Serving as liaisons among the UMSF Club leadership, the membership, and the community at large
  • Representing the diverse interests of the general membership
  • Assisting the Officers in the administration of the UMSF Club and in volunteer identification and recruitment
  • Attending Board meetings on a regular basis
  • Attending club events on a regular basis
  • Organizing club events relevant to their expertise and fields of interest
  • Contributing to the work of at least one standing or ad hoc committee

Directors – Programming Chairs, Seven (7) positions
Each Programming Chair is a Director of the Board. The Chairs shall be responsible for submitting financial goals, including budgets, in writing (email is appropriate) to the officers prior to each event (with as much advance notice as possible).
The responsibilities of each Programming Chair may include:

  • Planning, arranging and coordinating events for the UMSF Club, including coordination with other Programming Chairs and officers regarding the schedule and the events assigned to each
  • Establishing financial and operational objectives for UMSF Club events
  • Ensuring that notice on all events is sufficient to make sure members are notified of events and encouraged to attend
  • Collecting informal feedback from event attendees and informing the Board of “lessons learned” from each event
  • Reporting back to the officers regarding the attendance numbers, final budget numbers for reimbursement, and outcomes for their events

Directors at Large, Up to 5 positions (as needed)

  • The President and board have discretion to appoint up to five other Director positions to the UM Alumni Club board.
  • These positions are deemed at-large Directors who will provide guidance and leadership to the Club on an as-needed basis.
  • These positions are viewed on a case-by-case basis and appointed as appropriate by the President for individuals who address special outreach opportunities for the club.

The responsibilities of the Directors at Large include:

  • Contributing to organization development and program planning through participation in scheduled meetings and club activities
  • Providing leadership with special events, including fund raising
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