U-M Club of Memphis

On behalf of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan, we would like to invite you to join the U-M Club of Memphis, your connection back to all things Michigan!
We currently have 24 students receiving a total of $24,000 in annual renewable scholarships from the club’s Rychener Scholarship Fund, which is administered by The Memphis Spirit Club. Apply for a scholarship here (Word doc).
To donate online, click here.
Student Recruiting
We have 12 volunteer alumni student recruiters who have adopted 20 area high schools.
Club volunteers will man the University of Michigan booth at the annual Memphis College Recruiting Fair at the Agricenter on Sept. 17.
Game-Watching Events
Football watching is at:
The Skybox Grill & Bar
2140 W Poplar Ave #101
Collierville, TN 38017
(On the Germantown & Collierville border)
Get in Touch
Spirit Group email: [email protected]
President: Rob Turner, [email protected]
Vice-President: Mike Schooler, [email protected]
Treasurer/Scholarship Chair: Mike Leavitt, [email protected]
Student Recruiting: Laurie Meskin
For advertising and sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Alumni Association. All advertising and promotions must be reviewed by the Association due to national partners and existing vendor contracts.
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