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U-M Latino Alumni: About Us

Since July 16, 1988, the University of Michigan Latino Alumni (UMLA) has been a chartered affiliate of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan. UMLA (formerly known as the Hispanic Alumni Council) brings Latino alumni together in support of each other and to promote the objectives of the University of Michigan through the establishment and maintenance of contact among the University, its graduates, and present and prospective students. Its purposes are:

  • To keep Latino alumni informed of the concerns, needs, goals, interests and progress of the University of Michigan.
  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, resources in an effort to improve engagement among University of Michigan Latino alumni, students and faculty.
  • To establish a formal mechanism for extending camaraderie among Latino alumni, students and friends of the University of Michigan.
  • To further the recruitment and retention of Latino students, faculty, administrative and academic support staff to the University of Michigan.
  • To develop and help administer scholarship support and programming for current and future Latino students.



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