U-M Club of Indianapolis: Get Involved

Volunteer organizations are only as strong as their volunteers and our club is no different! If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information please contact us at umindyalumni@gmail.com 

Additionally, if you have a cause that you believe the U-M Club of Indianapolis could support through volunteering please reach out to umindyalumni@gmail.com with information such as the event date and time, number of volunteers desired, age range of volunteers, and brief description of activities so the Board can determine if this fits our mission.

Need a ticket for a game?

Unfortnately with the increased demand for tickets following recent success, the U-M Club of Indianapolis does not have access to tickets for athletic events.  If you plan on travelling to games and wish to find travel partners let us know and we will share your information in our weekly emails.

Need a place to watch the game?

If you need a place to hang out and watch the football game with some great food, good beer, and fun company then join us at our weekly watch parties.  We have a handful of great supporters in the area so we rotate our viewing parties to provide patronage to all of our partners.  Check our emails, event page, or email us to check where the viewing party for that week is!  We look forward to seeing you there. GO BLUE!


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