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Code of Conduct

When individuals choose to participate in any event or activity sponsored by an Alumni Association of the University of Michigan Club, they agree to follow the rules and guidelines outlined in this Code of Conduct. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to assist the Club in providing a welcoming and safe environment that reflects the values of the Club. The responsibility for maintaining a welcoming and safe environment belongs to all participants at Club events, including but not limited to the board of directors, members, and any other person attending any Club-sponsored events or activities.

The Club is committed to the equal treatment of its members, alumni, and participants at its sponsored events. We are committed to maintaining an environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. To that end, the Club does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind against members, alumni, and participants at its sponsored events or against anyone else with whom such individuals come into contact as a result of their relationship with the Club, including but not limited to the patrons, employees, or staff members at any facilities where Club events are held. We reserve the right to remove, exclude, and/or ban any individual who violates this policy or any other part of this Code of Conduct from participating in future Club events or activities.

As members of a community, all persons in attendance at any Club event or activity are expected to uphold the Club’s high standard of conduct. These values include, without limitation, respect, civility, dignity, diversity, equality, honesty, and safety. The Code of Conduct is an articulation of the Club’s commitment to recognize and support the rights of its members, alumni, and participants and to provide guidelines for behavior or conduct that the Club considers inappropriate. While we have attempted to provide thorough guidelines for expected behavior, we also recognize that it is impossible to delineate all conduct that could be deemed violative of this Code of Conduct and inconsistent with the Club’s values. As such, these guidelines are not exhaustive of all rights and responsibilities of persons attending or participating in any Club-sponsored event or activity. The Club retains complete discretion to determine what behavior or conduct is considered inappropriate, and any decision to remove, exclude, and/or ban any individual engaging in inappropriate behavior is at the Club’s sole discretion.

Therefore, the Club deems the following general behaviors and conduct inappropriate and subject to removal, exclusion, and/or recommendation for banning from the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan:

  • Any discriminatory or harassing conduct directed toward another member, participant, or any member of the Club’s board of directors. This includes, without limitation, racial epithets, slurs, sexual connotations, leering, and any unwelcome physical touching, whether sexual in nature or not.
  • Any act of physical violence or threat of violence against another member, participant, or any member of the Club’s board of directors. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable state law, the Club prohibits any person from carrying or possessing any weapon or firearm at any Club event or activity.
  • Any other behavior or conduct that the Club deems inconsistent with its values, including any language, conduct, or behavior that tends to limit or impede another person’s right to respect, civility, dignity, diversity, equality, honesty, and safety at any Club event or activity.

The Club also prohibits any person subject to this Code of Conduct from engaging in the above-prohibited behavior or conduct directed at certain non-participants, such as the Club’s vendors, partners, and other persons with whom the Club affiliates. This includes, without limitation, patrons, employees, or staff members of the Club’s official sponsor bars, event locations, the University, and any other firm or organization with whom the Club conducts business for official Club events.

Please note that the Club reserves the right to contact an appropriate law enforcement agency for any violations that may rise to the level of a civil or criminal violation of law. This Code of Conduct is not intended and should not be construed as a contract or agreement with any members, alumni, or participants. Any questions concerning the expectations of the Club or the Code of Conduct should be directed to the president of the Club.

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