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Michigan Alumni Cheerleaders Association: Newsletter

Hello Fellow Alumni Cheerleaders,

In an effort to continually keep you informed, we wanted to update you on our recent Alumni events.

For the 2nd year, the Alumni Cheerleaders were invited by the Athletic Department to cheer at the Annual Spring Football Scrimmage held on April 13th.  The Flag Football Game was held in the morning, preceding the varsity players scrimmage.  Only five of our Alumni came to cheer on the field (thank you to those who showed up), as it was a cold windy morning!  We met before the game in Crisler to distribute the spring game t-shirts, practice our cheers, and prepare for the game.  It was a lot of fun and we hope more of you will join in this event next year.  The more interest and attendees we have the better chance the Athletic Department will continue to invite us to participate!

The officers are annually invited to attend the Varsity Cheerleading Spring Banquet, which was held on April 20th.  Our new Secretary, Greg Shaver, presented the Newt C. Loken Scholarship Awards to 3 of the varsity cheerleaders: Anne Dreisbach, Alexandria DeLuca, and Adam Karpinski.  Glenda Gerbstadt, our Treasurer, presented the Pam Davis Spirit Awards to two outstanding varsity cheerleaders: Kyle Burdette and Alexandria DeLuca.   These awards provided the recipients with scholarship monies and are an important function of our Alumni Cheerleading group.  Holly Kralik, our President, showed an Alumni Cheer video and spoke about what it means to be an Alumni Cheerleader.  We handed out alumni welcome packets to the graduating seniors, which included all of the membership forms and information necessary to become a member of the Alumni Cheerleaders Association.  We were grateful we were able to attend, as it is a terrific opportunity to reach out to the current cheerleaders.

We have been updating our website frequently, so please continue to take a look at upcoming events, make donations, pay dues, or order a new uniform.  In an effort to continue supporting the current Varsity Cheerleaders, we hope you will contribute to the Pam Davis Spirit of Michigan Scholarship endowment and/or the Newt Loken Scholarship Endowment funds.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

We hope everyone is enjoying the spring, and we look forward to seeing all of you at our annual University of Michigan Homecoming Football Game on October 5th, 2013!

Go Blue!

Your Officers and Board of Directors,

Holly Kralik

Melissa Walcott

Glenda Gerbstadt

Greg Shaver

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