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Alumni Career Toolkit

Career Toolkit

Since its launch in August 2019, the Alumni Career Program has proven to be a great resource for U-M graduates at every stage of their career. By utilizing the program’s best job search practices and career development tools, alumni are actively leveraging these resources to their benefit. These resources include webinars, regional career events, and much more to serve the full Michigan community.

As your campus partner, we hope you see the value in sharing the Alumni Career Programming with Wolverines. Below is an overview of the program, guidelines on how to best talk about it, and images you can share with your alumni.

We appreciate your introducing your alumni to these exciting career resources. To learn more, contact

Alumni Career Programming

The Alumni Career Program consists of resources that provide support to the full U-M community across all stages of their career.  

The program is focused on three key pillars. 

  • Explore: By scrutinizing their interests, strengths, and motivations with career support, alumni can explore new options and discover what comes next.  
  • Network: By tapping into the power of the full Wolverine network both in person and online, alumni can expand their opportunities
  • Grow: By utilizing resources that help with a job search or assist with new professional skills, alumni can further grow their careers.  

For a full list of programming offered by the Alumni Career Program, click here.


Q: Who can attend Alumni Career webinars? 
A: Alumni Career webinars are open to anyone in the U-M community, from alumni to students. However, registration is required to access the live webinars.

Q: Is your program only open to Alumni Association members?
A: No, many of our programs are available to all alumni, including our webinar series. Members, however, have unique access to our self-assessment program as well as discounts to our career-change program, along with other niche benefits.

Note: FAQs will continue to be added to this page as we receive questions from partners.

Messaging Guidelines

Below are some general guidelines to follow when messaging out about the Alumni Career Program to your constituents: 

  • Name of Program: Alumni Career Program
  • Positioning: Alumni career support through every professional stage in their life.
  • Alumni Association Naming: Please refer to us as the Alumni Association rather than use the abbreviation of AAUM.

Downloadable Assets

Below are some Alumni Career Program images you can freely share with your constituents. If you cannot find an image that fits your needs, please reach out to and we will be happy to assist you.  

Simply download, resize, and promote!













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