U-M Club of Tidewater

On behalf of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan, we would like to invite you to join the U-M Club of Tidewater, your connection back to all things Michigan!
We are the Wolverine presence for the Virginia communities of Williamsburg and James City County, south through Newport News, Hampton, Suffolk, Isle of Wight; east to the Middle Peninsula, Gloucester and Mathews; on to the Northern Neck and across the Chesapeake Bay to the Eastern Shore; south across Hampton Roads to Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Chesapeake; and down to the North Carolina Outer Banks, Elizabeth City, Kitty Hawk, Hertford, Plymouth, and Roanoke Rapids.
Board Leadership
President: Ron Raymer
Vice President: Kaitlin Mikatarian
Secretary: Cathy Jackson
Treasurer: Nicole Riley
Get in Touch
Please send ideas and suggestions for club events and activities to Ron Raymer, [email protected].
For advertising and sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Alumni Association. All advertising and promotions must be reviewed by the Association due to national partners and existing vendor contracts.
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